Ear Candling

Spiritual cleansing & purifying

What's Involved?

Chinese Ear Candling is a safe, effective, and painless procedure used to remove earwax, pollen, sinus congestion, ringing of the ears, ear infection, headaches, migraines, and hearing problems. The movement of smoke through the delicate ear canal may also obtain pressure relief. Ear candling, also known as ear coning, is a practice that has been around for centuries.

During the process of ear candling, the pointed end of the candle is placed in the ear, while the other end is lit on fire. The warm heat transfers down the cone into the ear softening the built-up earwax. Later a gentle vacuum is created by the cone and the built-up earwax is gently pulled into the cone. It has been said to provide many benefits, including reducing pain from headaches, improving hearing, helping with vertigo and nausea, and more!